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This blog includes subject like Computer Organization, Microprocessor, Digital Electronics, System Programming

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1) ALP to count positive and negative no.

;Write X86/64 ALP to count number of positive and negative numbers from the array
section    .data
nline        db    10,10
nline_len:    equ    $-nline

arr32        dd    11111111H, -22222222H, 33333333H, -44444444H, -55555555H
n:        equ    5
pmsg        db    10,10, 'The no. of Positive elements in the given array :'
pmsg_len:    equ    $-pmsg

nmsg        db    10,10, 'The no. of Negative elements in the given array : '
nmsg_len:    equ    $-nmsg

Section   .bss
p_count        resq    1
n_count        resq    1
char_count    resb    8    ; for 32-bit nos.

%macro  print   2
mov   eax, 4
mov   ebx, 1
mov   ecx, %1
mov   edx, %2
int   80h

%macro    exit    0
mov  eax, 1
mov  ebx, 0
int  80h

section    .text
global   _start

mov    esi, arr32
mov    edi, n

mov    ebx,0;            ; counter for     +ve nos.
mov    ecx,0;            ; counter for    -ve nos.

mov    eax,[esi]        ; take no. in RAX
RCL    eax,1            ; rotate left 1 bit to check for sign bit
jc    negative

inc    ebx            ; no carry, so no. is +ve
jmp    next

inc    ecx            ; carry, so no. is -ve

add     esi,4            ; 32 bit nos i.e. 4 bytes
dec     edi
jnz      next_num

mov    [p_count], ebx        ; store positive count
mov    [n_count], ecx        ; store negative count

print    pmsg, pmsg_len
mov     eax,[p_count]        ; load value of p_count in rax
call     disp32_proc        ; display p_count

print    nmsg, nmsg_len
mov     eax,[n_count]        ; load value of n_count in rax
call     disp32_proc        ; display n_count

print    nline, nline_len


mov     esi,char_count+7    ; load last byte address of char_count buffer in rsi
mov     ecx,8            ; number of digits

cnt:    mov     edx,0            ; make rdx=0 (as in div instruction rdx:rax/rbx)
mov     ebx,16            ; divisor=16 for hex
div     ebx
cmp     dl, 09h            ; check for remainder in RDX
jbe      add30
add      dl, 07h
add     dl,30h            ; calculate ASCII code
mov     [esi],dl        ; store it in buffer
dec     esi            ; point to one byte back

dec     ecx            ; decrement count
jnz     cnt            ; if not zero repeat

print char_count,8        ; display result on screen

; Output
;srttc@srttc:~$ nasm -f elf64 prg1.asm
;srttc@srttc:~$ ld -o prg1 prg1.o
;srttc@srttc:~$ ./prg1

;The no. of Positive elements in the given array :00000002

;The no. of Negative elements in the given array : 00000003



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