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4) ALP Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers

Write X86/64 ALP to perform multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers. Use successive addition and add and shift method. (use of 64-bit registers is expected)
section .data

            msg1 db 10,10,'Enter First Number :'
            msg1_len equ $-msg1

            msg2 db 10,10,'Enter Second Number :'
            msg2_len equ $-msg2

            msg3 db 10,10,'Multiplication is :'
            msg3_len equ $-msg3

            msg db 10,'***MENU***'
            msg_len equ $-msg

            m1 db 10,'1. Addition Method'
            m1_len equ $-m1

            m2 db 10,'2. Add and shift method'
            m2_len equ $-m2

            m3 db 10,'3. Exit'
            m3_len equ $-m3

            m4 db 10,'Enter choice :'
            m4_len equ $-m4

section .bss

            choice resb 02
            numascii resb 03
            num1 resb 01
            num2 resb 01
            result resb 04
            dispbuff resb 08

%macro dispmsg 2
            mov eax,04
            mov ebx,01
            mov ecx,%1
            mov edx,%2
            int 80h


%macro accept 2
            mov eax,03
            mov ebx,00
            mov ecx,%1
            mov edx,%2
            int 80h


section .text
            global _start

            dispmsg msg,msg_len
            dispmsg m1,m1_len
            dispmsg m2,m2_len
            dispmsg m3,m3_len
            dispmsg m4,m4_len

            accept choice,02
            cmp byte [choice],'1'
            je SA_method

            cmp byte [choice],'2'
            je addshift_method

            cmp byte [choice],'3'
            je exit
            exit: mov eax,01
            mov ebx,00
            int 80h


            dispmsg msg1,msg1_len
            accept numascii,3
            call convert
            mov [num1],bl
            dispmsg msg2,msg2_len
            accept numascii,3
            call convert
            xor rcx,rcx
            xor rax,rax
            mov al,[num1]
            add rcx,rax
            dec bl
            jnz bk
            mov [result],rcx
            dispmsg msg3,msg3_len
            mov bx,[result]
            call disp_proc
            jmp menu


            dispmsg msg1,msg1_len
            accept numascii,3
            call convert
            mov [num1],bl

            dispmsg msg2,msg2_len
            accept numascii,3
            call convert
            mov [num2],bl
            dispmsg msg3,msg3_len

            xor rbx,rbx
            xor rcx,rcx
            xor rdx,rdx
            xor rax,rax
            mov dl,[num1]
            mov bl,[num2]
            mov cl,08
            shl ax,1
            rol bl,1
            jnc b1
            add ax,dx
            loop z1
            mov bx,ax
            call disp_proc
            jmp menu


            mov ebx,0
            mov ecx,2
            mov esi,numascii
            rol bl,04
            mov al,[esi]
            cmp al,39h
            jbe skip1
            sub al,07h


            sub al,30h
            add bl,al
            inc esi
            loop up1


            mov ecx,4
            mov edi,dispbuff


            rol bx,4
            mov al,bl
            and al,0fh
            cmp al,09
            jbe dskip
            add al,07h


            add al,30h
            mov [edi],al
            inc edi
            loop dup1
            dispmsg dispbuff,4


srttc@srttc:~$ nasm -f elf64 assg4.asm
srttc@srttc:~$ ld -o ass assg4.o
srttc@srttc:~$ ./ass

1. Addition Method
2. Add and shift method
3. Exit
Enter choice :1

Enter 1st No. :12

Enter 2nd No. :10

Multiplication is :0120
1. Addition Method
2. Add and shift method
3. Exit
Enter choice :2

Enter 1st No. :03

Enter 2nd No. :05

Multiplication is :000F
1. Addition Method
2. Add and shift method
3. Exit
Enter choice :3


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