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This blog includes subject like Computer Organization, Microprocessor, Digital Electronics, System Programming

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5) ALP for Real to Protected Mode

     Write X86/64 ALP to switch from real mode to protected mode and display           the values of GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers.

section    .data
            nline                db        10,10
            nline_len:         equ      $-nline
            colon               db        ":"
            rmsg                db        10,'Processor is in Real Mode...'
            rmsg_len:         equ      $-rmsg
            pmsg                db        10,'Processor is in Protected Mode...'
            pmsg_len:        equ      $-pmsg
            gmsg                db        10,"GDTR (Global Descriptor Table Register)           : "
            gmsg_len:        equ      $-gmsg
            imsg                 db        10,"IDTR (Interrupt Descriptor Table Register)         : "
            imsg_len:         equ      $-imsg
            lmsg                 db        10,"LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register) : "
            lmsg_len:         equ      $-lmsg
            tmsg                db        10,"TR (Task Register)                       : "
            tmsg_len:         equ      $-tmsg
            mmsg               db        10,"MSW (Machine Status Word)      : "
            mmsg_len:       equ      $-mmsg
Section   .bss
            GDTR             resw     3                      ; 3 words i.e. 48-bits
            IDTR               resw     3
            LDTR              resw     1                      ; 1 word i.e. 16-bits
            TR                   resw     1
            MSW               resw     1
            char_sum         resb      4                      ; 4 digits i.e. 16bits
;Macro declaration for display and exit
%macro  print   2
            mov     eax, 4
            mov     ebx, 1
            mov     ecx, %1
            mov     edx, %2
            int   80h
%macro           exit      0
            mov     eax, 1
            mov     ebx, 0
            int  80h
;For modifying 32-bit program check line by line to make all 'e' as 'r' and remaining modification
;for 64-bit no.

section    .text
            global   _start
            SMSW [MSW]
            mov     rax,[MSW]
            ror        rax,1                                                    ; Check PE bit, if 1=Protected Mode, else Real Mode
            jc         p_mode
            print     rmsg,rmsg_len
            jmp      next
            print     pmsg,pmsg_len
            SGDT  [GDTR]
            SIDT   [IDTR]
            SLDT  [LDTR]
            STR     [TR]
;           SMSW [MSW]
            print     gmsg, gmsg_len                                  ;GDTR (Global Descriptor Table Register)
                                                                                    ; LITTLE ENDIAN SO TAKE LAST WORD FIRST
            mov     ax,[GDTR+4]                                      ; load value of GDTR[4,5] in ax
            call       disp16_proc                                        ; display GDTR contents
            mov     ax,[GDTR+2]                                      ; load value of GDTR[2,3] in ax
            call       disp16_proc                                        ; display GDTR contents
            print     colon,1
            mov     ax,[GDTR+0]                                      ; load value of GDTR[0,1] in ax
            call       disp16_proc                                        ; display GDTR contents
            print     imsg, imsg_len                        ;IDTR (Interrupt Descriptor Table Register)
            mov     ax,[IDTR+4]              
            call       disp16_proc               
            mov     ax,[IDTR+2]              
            call       disp16_proc               
            print     colon,1
            mov     ax,[IDTR+0]              
            call       disp16_proc               
            print     lmsg, lmsg_len                        ;LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register)
            mov     ax,[LDTR]                 
            call       disp16_proc               
            print     tmsg, tmsg_len                                    ;TR (Task Register)    
            mov     ax,[TR]                       
            call       disp16_proc               
            print     mmsg, mmsg_len                                ;MSW (Machine Status Word)          
            mov     ax,[MSW]                  
            call       disp16_proc               
            print     nline, nline_len
            mov     rsi,char_sum+3                        ; load last byte address of char_sum buffer in rsi
            mov     rcx,4                                        ; number of digits
cnt:      mov     rdx,0                                        ; make rdx=0 (as in div instruction rdx:rax/rbx)
            mov     rbx,16                                      ; divisor=16 for hex
            div       rbx
            cmp     dl, 09h                                     ; check for remainder in RDX
            jbe       add30
            add      dl, 07h
            add      dl,30h                                      ; calculate ASCII code
            mov     [rsi],dl                                      ; store it in buffer
            dec      rsi                                            ; point to one byte back
            dec      rcx                                           ; decrement count
            jnz       cnt                                           ; if not zero repeat
            print char_sum,4                                 ; display result on screen
$ nasm -f elf64 protect.asm
$ ld -o pr5 protect.o
Processor is in Protected Mode...
GDTR (Global Descriptor Table Register)     : 3DA09000:007F
IDTR (Interrupt Descriptor Table Register)   : FF578000:0FFF
LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register)       : 0000
TR (Task Register)                                          : 0040
MSW (Machine Status Word)                        : 003B


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