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Monday, February 20, 2017

Protection and Multitasking in 80386

UNIT-III Protection and Multitasking

3.1 Privilege levels:
      The need is to prevent
     Users from interfering with one another
     Users from examining secure data
     Program bugs from damaging other programs
     Program bugs from damaging data
     Malicious attempts to compromise system integrity
     Accidental damage to data

Descriptor Privilege Level:

      Privilege levels apply to entire segments
      The privilege level is defined in the segment descriptor
      The privilege level of the code segment determines the Current Privilege Level (CPL)


Protection in the 80386 has five aspects:
1. Type checking
2. Limit checking
3. Restriction of addressable domain
4. Restriction of procedure entry points
5. Restriction of instruction set


      All above five aspects of protection apply to segment translation.
      The segment is the unit of protection, and segment descriptors store protection parameters.
      Segment registers hold the protection parameters of the currently addressable segments.

The TYPE field of a descriptor has two functions:

            1. It distinguishes among different descriptor formats.
            2. It specifies the intended usage of a segment.
      The 80386 has descriptors for special segments used by the operating system and for gates.
      Table 1 lists all the types defined for system segments and gates.

      The limit field of a segment descriptor is used by the processor to prevent programs from addressing outside the segment.
      The processor's interpretation of the limit depends on the setting of the G (granularity) bit.
      For data segments, the processor's interpretation of the limit depends also on the E-bit (expansion-direction bit) and the B-bit (big bit).
      When G= 0, the actual limit is the value of the 20-bit limit field as it appears in the descriptor.
      In this case, the limit may range from 0 to OFFFFFH (2^20 - 1 or 1 megabyte).
      When G= 1, the processor appends 12 low-order one-bits to the value in the limit field.
      In this case the actual limit may range from OFFFH (2^12 - 1 or 4 kilobytes) to OFFFFFFFFH (2^32 - 1 or 4 gigabytes).
      For all types of segments except expand-down data segment, the value of the limit is one less than the size of the segment.
      The processor causes a general protection exception in any of these cases:
ü  Attempt to access a memory byte at an address >limit.
ü   Attempt  to access a memory word at an address >limit
ü  Attempt to access a memory double word at an address >(limit-2).
      For expand-down data segments, the limit has the same function but is interpreted differently.
      In these cases the range of valid addresses is from limit + 1 to either 64K (2^32 -1)  (4 Gbytes) depending on the B-bit.
      An expand-down segment has maximum size when the limit is zero.
      Since each descriptor is eight bytes long, the limit value is N * 8 - 1 for a table that can contain up to N descriptors.

3. Restriction of addressable domain
Restricting Access to Data:
      To address operands in memory, an 80386 program must load the selector of a data segment into a data-segment register CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, SS).
      The processor automatically evaluates access to a data segment by comparing privilege levels.
      The evaluation is performed at the time a selector for the descriptor of the target segment is loaded into the data-segment register.
      three different privilege levels enter into this type of privilege check:
1. The CPL (current privilege level).
2. The RPL (requestor's privilege level) of the selector used to specify the target segment.
3. The DPL of the descriptor of the target segment.

4. Restriction of procedure entry points

      The "near" forms of the RET instruction transfer control within the current code segment and therefore are subject only to limit checking.
      The "far" form of the RET instruction pops the return pointer that was pushed onto the stack by a prior far CALL instruction.
      The checks shown in Table 3 are made, and CS:EIP and SS:ESP are loaded with their former values that were saved on the stack. 
SF: Stack Fault, GP: General Protection Exception, NP: Segment Not Present Exception, N: Immediate Operand of RET N instruction.

5. Restriction of instruction set
      The instructions that affect system data structures can only be executed when CPL is zero.
      If the CPU encounters one of these instructions when CPL is greater than zero, it signals a general protection exception.
      These instructions include:
CLTS- Clear Task-Switched Flag
HLT -Halt Processor
LGDT -Load GDT Register
LIDT -Load IDT Register
LLDT -Load LDT Register
LMSW -Load Machine Status W
LTR -Load Task Register
MOV to/from CRn -Move to Control Register n
MOV to/from DRn -Move to Debug Register n
MOV to/from TRn -Move to Test Register n

Instructions for Pointer Validation:
      Pointer validation is an important part of locating programming errors.
      The unprivileged instructions are LAR, LSL, VERR, and VERW.
            1) LAR (Load Access Rights) is used to verify that a pointer refers to a segment of the proper privilege level and type.
            2) LSL (Load Segment Limit) allows software to test the limit of a descriptor.
            3) VERR (Verify for Reading) verifies a segment for reading and loads ZF with I if that segment is readable from the current privilege level.
            4) VERW (Verify for Writing) provides the same capability as VERR for verifying writ ability.

Two kinds of protection are related to pages:
            1. Restriction of addressable domain.
            2. Type checking.
      Page-Table Entries Hold Protection Parameters 

      The concept of privilege for pages is implemented by assigning each page to one of two levels:
            1. Supervisor level (U IS = 0 )-for the operating system and other systems software and related data.
            2. User level (U IS = 1 )-for applications procedures and data.
      The current level (U or S) is related to CPL.
      If CPL is 0, 1, or 2, the processor is executing at supervisor level.
      If CPL is 3, the processor is executing at user level.
      When the processor is executing at supervisor level, all pages are addressable.
      When the processor is executing at user level, only pages that belong to the user level are addressable.
At the level of page addressing, two types are defined:
1. Read-only access (R/W=O)
2. Read/write access (R/W = 1)
      When the processor is executing at supervisor level, all pages are both readable and writable.
      When the processor is executing at user level, only pages that belong to user level and are marked for read/write access are writable;
      Pages that belong to supervisor level are neither readable nor writable from user level.


      When paging is enabled, the 80386 first evaluates segment protection, then evaluates page protection.
      If the processor detects a protection violation at either the segment or the page level, the requested operation cannot proceed; a protection exception occurs instead.
      For example, it is possible to define a large data segment which has some subunits that are read-only and other subunits that are read-write.
      In this case, the page directory (or page table) entries for the read-only subunits would have the U/S and R/W bits set to x0, indicating no write rights for all the pages described by that directory entry (or for individual pages).
      Table 5 shows the effective protection provided by the possible combinations of protection attributes. 

3.6 Multitasking

Components involved in multitasking:
1.      Task state segment
2.      Task state segment descriptor
3.      Task register
4.       Task gate descriptor

1. Task State Segment (TSS) :

Two classes of TSS format
Static set
It is that where processor reads but does not change.
          This set includes the fields that store:
       The selector of the task's LDT.
       The register (PDBR) that contains the base address of the task's page directory (read only when paging is enabled).
      Pointers to the stacks for privilege levels 0-2.
       The T-bit (debug trap bit) which causes the processor to raise a debug exception
      The I/O map base
Dynamic set
Ø  That where processor updates with each switch from the task.
Ø  This set includes the fields that store:
       The general registers (EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP, ESI, EDI).
      The segment registers (ES, CS, SS, DS, FS, GS).
      The flags register (EFLAGS).
      The instruction pointer (EIP).
      The selector of the TSS of the previously executing task (updated only when a return is expected).
2. Task state segment descriptor

3.Task Register
      The task register (TR) identifies the currently executing task by pointing to the TSS.
      Figure  shows the path by which the processor accesses the current TSS.
      The task register has both a "visible" portion (i.e., can be read and changed by instructions) and an "invisible" portion (maintained by the processor to correspond to the visible portion; cannot be read by any instruction).
       The selector in the visible portion selects a TSS descriptor in the GDT
      Processor uses the invisible portion to cache the base and limit values from the TSS descriptor.
      Holding the base and limit in a register makes execution of the task more efficient, because the processor does not need to repeatedly fetch these values from memory when it references the TSS of the current task.
      The instructions L TR and STR are used to modify and read the visible portion of the task register. Both instructions take one operand, a 16-bit selector located in memory or in a general register.

4.Task gate descriptor   

      A task gate descriptor provides an indirect, protected reference to a TSS. Figure 5 illustrates the format of a task gate descriptor.
      The SELECTOR field of a task gate must refer to a TSS descriptor. The value of the RPL in this selector is not used by the processor.
      The DPL field of a task gate controls the right to use the descriptor to cause a task switch.
      A procedure may not select a task gate descriptor unless the maximum of the selector's RPL and the CPL of the procedure is numerically less than or equal to the DPL of the descriptor.

3.7 Task Switching

The 80386 switches execution to another task in any of four cases:
      1. The current task executes a JMP or CALL that refers to a TSS descriptor.
      2. The current task executes a JMP or CALL that refers to a task gate.
      3. An interrupt or exception vectors to a task gate in the IDT.
      4. The current task executes an IRET when the NT flag is set.
      The CPU can perform a ‘context-switch’ to save the current values of all its registers (in the memory-area referenced by the TR register), and to load new values into all its registers (from the memory-area specified a new Task-State Segment selector)
A task switching operation involves these steps:

1.      Checking that the current task is allowed to switch to the designated task
2.      Checking that the TSS descriptor of the new task is marked present and has a valid limit
3.      Saving the state of the current task
4.      Loading the task register with the selector of the incoming task’s TSS descriptor
5.      Loading the incoming task’s state from its TSS and resuming execution

3.8 Task Linking
      The back-link field of the TSS and the NT (nested task) bit of the flag word together allow the 80386 to automatically return to a task that CALLed another task or was interrupted by another task.
       When a CALL instruction, an interrupt instruction, an external interrupt, or an exception causes a switch to a new task, the 80386 automatically fills the back-link of the new TSS with the selector of the outgoing task's TSS and, at the same time, sets the NT bit in the new task's flag register.
       The NT flag indicates whether the back-link field is valid.
      The new task releases control by executing an IRET instruction. When interpreting an IRET, the 80386 examines the NT flag. If NT is set, the 80386 switches back to the task selected by the back-link field. 

3.9 Task Address Space

      The LDT selector and PDBR fields of the TSS give software systems designers flexibility in utilization of segment and page mapping features of the 80386.
       By appropriate choice of the segment and page mappings for each task, tasks may share address spaces, may have address spaces that are largely distinct from one another, or may have any degree of sharing between these two extremes.
      The ability for tasks to have distinct address spaces is an important aspect of 80386 protection.
      A module in one task cannot interfere with a module in another task if the modules do not have access to the same address spaces.
The flexible memory management features of the 80386 allow systems designers to assign areas of shared address space to those modules of different tasks that are designed to cooperate with each other