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Monday, February 27, 2017

Interrupt and Exception MCQ in 80386DX

Q.1. In Error code format in 80386 the bit position of TI bit is bit number _______.
a) 0      b) 1      c) 2      d) 3

Q.2. In Error code format in 80386, If the I-bit is not set, the TI bit indicates whether the error code refers to the  ____________.
a) GDT Value 1                      b) GDT Value 0                     c) LDT Value 0                       d) None of these

Q.3. In Exception condition  in 80386, if condition checked for SS segment selector is valid then ________ type of Exception is generated.
a)  GP              b) NP               c) SF                d) TS

Q.4. The 80386 invokes an interrupt or exception handling procedure in much the same manner as it _________ a procedure.
a) CALLs         b) Traps           c) Gets             d) JMP

Q.5. In IDT of 80386 ________ pointing to a TSS descriptor in Interrupting Tasks.
a) Trap Gate     b) Interrupt Gate           c) Task Gate                d)None of these 

Q.6. In Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) the ISR stands for ________________.
a) Interrupt Status Register        b) Interrupt Service Routine      c) Interrupt Service Request      d) None

Q.7. The IDT contains the descriptors which point to the location of up to ___________.
a) 255 ISR       b) 256 ISR       c) 65535 ISR   d) 65536 ISR

Q.8. The IDT entries are referenced via _________, external interrupt vectors, and exceptions.
a) INTO Instruction      b) INTR Instruction      c) INTA Instruction      d) INT instructions

Q.9. The processor first services a _________________________.
a) A Pending Interrupts with highest priority
b) A pending Interrupt with lowest priority
c) A pending Interrupt with simultaneously
d) A pending Interrupt

Q.10. The _____ bit in EFLAGS controls the recognition of debug faults in 80386.
a) IF     b) SF   c) RF   d) CF

Q. 11. The  __________ controls the acceptance of external interrupts signaled via the INTR pin.
a) IF     b) SF   c) RF   d) CF

Q.1. c)       Q.2. b)      Q.3. d)      Q.4. a)    Q.5. c)       Q.6. b)     Q.7. b)      Q.8. d)           Q.9. a)            Q.10. c)     Q.11. a)


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